首先说一说罪恶都市文件的用处文章源自Rockstar Games-https://rockstar-games.com/479.html
gtavc.exe是游戏启动程序,还可以定义文件的读取,储存等项目文章源自Rockstar Games-https://rockstar-games.com/479.html
***Icons这个文件夹里就是图象文件(没什么可说的).文章源自Rockstar Games-https://rockstar-games.com/479.html
**data文件夹定义的是数据,里面的MAPS是定义游戏里的建筑的位置,物理性,行人等,paths是用来定义行人的车辆。文章源自Rockstar Games-https://rockstar-games.com/479.html
handling.cfg是汽车数据文章源自Rockstar Games-https://rockstar-games.com/479.html
object.dat是物体(如钱,落叶,报纸等)文章源自Rockstar Games-https://rockstar-games.com/479.html
WATERPRO.dat是定义水位的文章源自Rockstar Games-https://rockstar-games.com/479.html
timecyc.dat是定义各小时的环境(周围的颜色,能见度等)文章源自Rockstar Games-https://rockstar-games.com/479.html
fistfite.dat是定义拳头搏斗的数据文章源自Rockstar Games-https://rockstar-games.com/479.html
weapon.dat是定义武器的数据文章源自Rockstar Games-https://rockstar-games.com/479.html
pedstats.dat是定义行人的数据文章源自Rockstar Games-https://rockstar-games.com/479.html
gta_vc.dat大概是定义游戏IDE和IPL文件存放的路径文章源自Rockstar Games-https://rockstar-games.com/479.html
carcols.dat是定义汽车颜色的文章源自Rockstar Games-https://rockstar-games.com/479.html
particle.cfg是定义粒子的文章源自Rockstar Games-https://rockstar-games.com/479.html
pedgrp.dat是定义各种时间段出现的行人文章源自Rockstar Games-https://rockstar-games.com/479.html
default.ide是一个多用途的文件,它用来定义行人,电台,汽车,武器,轮胎的存在性,并定义以上各物体读取模型和贴图的名称,但概念很模糊。文章源自Rockstar Games-https://rockstar-games.com/479.html
main.scm这个文件是GTA最为重要,它可以用来定义包括任务在内的所有属性,但它有特殊的语言,需要特殊的软件来翻译,这也是众多moder最头疼的一个环节。文章源自Rockstar Games-https://rockstar-games.com/479.html
在这个文件夹里分别还有2个文件夹.coll文件夹里包含的是碰撞文件.generic文件夹里是TOMMY的初始服装.wheels是车轮文件.文章源自Rockstar Games-https://rockstar-games.com/479.html
fronten1.txd包含的是游戏里的指针,按esc时的图片.文章源自Rockstar Games-https://rockstar-games.com/479.html
fronten2.txd包含的是游戏里电台的图象.文章源自Rockstar Games-https://rockstar-games.com/479.html
a.车辆标识名称. (14字节以内)
b.车辆重量. (以公斤为单位 1.0 到 50000.0)
c.车辆宽度. (以米为单位 0.0 > x > 20.0)
d.车辆长度. (以米为单位 0.0 > x > 20.0)
e.车辆高度. (以米为单位 0.0 > x > 20.0)
f.车辆重心x轴 (从中心到右侧的距离,以米为单位-10.0 > x > 10.0)
g.车辆重心y轴 (从中心到前面的距离,以米为单位-10.0 > x > 10.0)
h.车辆重心z轴 (从中心到下面的距离,以米为单位-10.0 > x > 10.0)
i.车辆淹没百分比 (10 到 120 100为全部淹没)
j.F牵引补偿 (汽车阻力参数0.5 to 2.0)
k.F牵引损耗 (加速/ 刹车阻力参数0.0 > x > 1.0)
l.F牵引偏向 (前轮后轮抓地力之比 0.0 > x > 1.0)
m.变速档数量 (影响动画和声音效果 1 到 4 )
n.最大速度 (5.0 到 600.0)
o.加速度 (决定从静止到最大速度的时间 0.1 到 35.0)
p.驱动类型 (F-前轮,R-后轮,4轮驱动)
q.发动机类型 (P-汽油,D-柴油,E-电力发动机)
r.减速性能 (0.1 到 10.0)
s.刹车偏向 (刹车时前后轮磨擦力之比0.0 > x > 1.0)
t.ABS防抱死系统 (0-没有,1-有)
u.转向角度 (10.0 到 40.0)
v.减震器级别 (无,L-低,M-中,H-高,即控制车辆颠簸程度的参数)
w.阻尼器级别 (无,L-低,M-中,H-高,即控制车辆颠簸程度的参数)
x.座位距离 (有可能改变人物进入车子的行为,即人在车门与座位有一个距离,这个值表示这个距离中间的一点人开始弯腰,一般影响不大,但对于船和飞机有影响)
y.碰撞损坏参数 (车辆引擎的耐久性 0.2 到5.0)
z.车辆价值 (单位元,车辆售价1 到 100000)
aa.制动车辆上移界限 ( 车辆不离地弹起的距离,即控制车辆颠簸程度的参数)
ab.制动车辆降低界限 (车辆受压或落下后降低的距离,即控制车辆颠簸程度的参数)
ac.制动前后偏向参数 (控制刹车时前后水平扭转)
ad.制动前后垂直倾斜参数 (控制刹车或加速时前后垂直扭转)
1-1G_BOOST (发动机快速发动)
4-REV_BONNET (颠倒的发动机盖)
1- NO_DOORS (没有门)
2-IS_VAN (允许模型内有两个后备箱盖组件)
4-IS_BUS (BUS公交车,有可能类似价值一样属于没有实际意义的定义)
8-IS_LOW (小、矮车,有可能类似价值一样属于没有实际意义的定义)
1-DBL_EXHAUST (允许有两套排气管组件)
2-TAILGATE_BOOT (后挡板样式的后备箱)
4-NOSWING_BOOT (不摆动的后背箱盖)
8-NONPLAYER_STABILISER (下车后熄火,字面是,不知道好不好使)
2-HAS_NO_ROOF (敞篷车)
4-IS_BIG (大型车,倒车时有倒车警告音)
1-IS_BIKE (这是一辆摩托)
2-IS_HELI (这是一辆汽车)
4-IS_PLANE (这是一架飞机)
8-IS_BOAT (这是一艘船)
1-NO_EXHAUST (没有排气管)
2-REARWHEEL_1ST (启动时后轮转的快)
8-SIT_IN_BOAT (玩家在船里可以坐着驾驶,不知道对其他的交通工具有什么用)
1-FAT_REARW (后面的轮子宽)
4-GOOD_INSAND (沙地行使)
af.前灯 (0-长, 1-小, 2-大, 3-高)
ag.尾灯 (0-长, 1-小, 2-大, 3-高)
/////////////////////////////////////// GTA Vice City archive //
sfx00000 - sfx00007 = car horns
sfx00008 - sfx00014 = helicopter sounds
sfx00015 - sfx00020 = car doors
sfx00021 - sfx00022 = *unknown
sfx00023 = start car engine
sfx00024 = *unknown
sfx00025 = car tire spin 1
sfx00026 = *tank?
sfx00027 - sfx00028 = police sirens
sfx00029 = ambulance siren
sfx00030 = truck backing up indicator
sfx00031 = mr whoopie
sfx00032 = open coach door (airbrakes)
sfx00033 - sfx00037 = tire bouncing, popping, flat, airleak
sfx00038 - sfx00039 = bullet trail
sfx00040 - sfx00041 = roller skates
sfx00042 - sfx00046 = footsteps
sfx00047 = car explosion
sfx00048 = bomb explosion
sfx00049 = molotov sound 1
sfx00050 - sfx00051 = Pistol
sfx00052 - sfx00053 = M4
sfx00054 - sfx00056 = Uzi
sfx00057 - sfx00058 = Sniper
sfx00059 - sfx00060 = Rocket Launcher
sfx00061 - sfx00063 = Rocket Fire
sfx00064 - sfx00065 = Flamethrower
sfx00066 - sfx00067 = Shotgun
sfx00068 - sfx00070 = M60
sfx00071 - sfx00073 = Tec 9
sfx00074 - sfx00076 = M4
sfx00077 = Reload Pistol
sfx00078 = Reload Uzi
sfx00079 = blank
sfx00080 = Reload Sniper Rifle
sfx00081 = bat swing
sfx00082 - sfx00084 = Minigun
sfx00085 - sfx00087 = SPAS 12
sfx00088 - sfx00089 = Colt Python
sfx00090 - sfx00091 = MP5
sfx00095 - sfx00096 = wood collision
sfx00097 - sfx00099 = *unknown
sfx00100 = dumpster collision
sfx00101 - sfx00106 = car collisions 1
sfx00107 - sfx00110 = metal collisions
sfx00111 - sfx00114 = fence collisions
sfx00115 - sfx00116 = *unknown
sfx00117 = *unknown (same as 097-099)
sfx00118 - sfx00121 = box collisions 1
sfx00122 - sfx00125 = box collisions 2
sfx00126 = *unknown (similar to 097-099 at faster rate)
sfx00127 - sfx00131 = grass collision
sfx00132 = *another dumpster collision?
sfx00133 - sfx00135 = box collisions 3
sfx00136 - sfx00140 = car collisions 2
sfx00141 - sfx00142 = blow up boxes
sfx00143 = gate collision 1
sfx00144 = car scraping (walls, etc.)
sfx00145 = gate collision 2
sfx00146 - sfx00151 = glass breaking
sfx00152 - sfx00153 = fire
sfx00154 = rain
sfx00155 = after rain
sfx00156 - sfx00157 = bullet shells dropping
sfx00158 = bullet penetrating ped
sfx00159 - sfx00161 = bullet hitting car
sfx00162 - sfx00164 = bullet hitting ground
sfx00165 - sfx00170 = fist fighting
sfx00171 - sfx00173 = katana blade
sfx00174 - sfx00175 = brass knuckles
sfx00176 = open garage
sfx00177 = eerie sound in GTA3
sfx00178 = detonate
sfx00179 = *static?
sfx00180 - sfx00265 = police radio
sfx00266 = *bike idle or hunter blades?
sfx00267 = phone ring
sfx00268 - sfx00278 = car engine (steady rpms)
sfx00279 = engine echo
sfx00280 - sfx00283 = blank
sfx00304 - sfx00307 = motorcycle idling
sfx00308 - sfx00312 = airplane
sfx00313 = car tire spin 2
sfx00314 - sfx00315 = boat
sfx00316 = boat travelling through water
sfx00317 - sfx00318 = boat splashes
sfx00319 - boat engine at idle
sfx00320 - sfx00323 = rain on car
sfx00324 = fall in water
sfx00325 - sfx00326 = crushing body (squish)
sfx00327 - sfx00328 = blow up boxes
sfx00329 = rocket ammo depleted
sfx00330 = rifle ammo depleted
sfx00331 = *collision?
sfx00332 - sfx00333 = jumping
sfx00334 = *high pitched electronic beep?
sfx00335 = gta3 timer
sfx00336 - sfx00337 = hydraulics
sfx00338 = *** in car
sfx00339 = keep uppy
sfx00340 = degenatron
sfx00341 - sfx00342 = dodo
sfx00343 - sfx00355 = radio tuning
sfx00356 - sfx00369 = icon noise
sfx00370 = timer
sfx00371 = blank
sfx00372 - sfx00379 = menu sound
sfx00380 - sfx00382 = radio static
sfx00383 - sfx00085 = engine sounds 1 (perennial)
sfx00386 - sfx00388 = engine sounds 2 (stinger)
sfx00389 - sfx00391 = engine sounds 3 (yankee)
sfx00392 - sfx00394 = engine sounds 4 (admiral)
sfx00395 - sfx00397 = engine sounds 5 (flatbed)
sfx00398 - sfx00400 = engine sounds 6 (bf injection)
sfx00401 - sfx00403 = engine sounds 7 (hotring racer)
sfx00404 - sfx00406 = engine sounds 8 (greenwood)
sfx00407 - sfx00409 = engine sounds 9 (oceanic)
sfx00410 - sfx00412 = engine sounds 10 (taxi)
sfx00413 - sfx00415 = engine sounds 11 (sabre)
sfx00416 = blank
sfx00417 = *ambient crowd bg noise (possibly in stadium?)
sfx00418 = blank
sfx00419 - sfx00421 = chainsaw
sfx00422 - sfx00424 = rc
sfx00425 = rc helicopter
sfx00426 - sfx00430 = blank
sfx00431 - sfx00433 = freeway engine
sfx00434 = freeway wind
sfx00435 = blank
sfx00436 - sfx00437 = faggio engine
sfx00438 = faggio wind
sfx00439 - sfx00441 = sanchez wind
sfx00443 - sfx00445 = pcj900 engine
sfx00446 = pcj900 wind
sfx00447 - sfx00452 = blank
sfx00453 - sfx00456 = hunter
sfx00457 - sfx00460 = blank
sfx00461 - sfx00464 = skimmer
sfx00465 - *elevator ding?
sfx00466 - sfx00469 = blank
sfx00470 = alarm
sfx00471 = *someone snoring?
sfx00472 - sfx00484 = vice background noise
sfx00485 - sfx00491 = insects
sfx00492 - sfx00495 = Malibu CS bg music
sfx00496 - sfx00505 = footsteps on grass
sfx00506 - sfx00515 = footsteps 1
sfx00516 - sfx00519 = jumping into puddles
sfx00520 - sfx00523 = footsteps 2
sfx00524 - sfx00713 = rapping homie
sfx00714 - sfx00736 = vcpd port authority
sfx00737 - sfx00756 = vcpd port authority bullhorn
sfx00757 - sfx00832 = oriental girl
sfx00833 - sfx00891 = oriental guy
sfx00892 - sfx00972 = black man
sfx00973 - sfx01039 = spanish girl
sfx01040 - sfx01132 = asshole (sounds white)
sfx01133 - sfx01225 = asshole (sounds black)
sfx01226 - sfx01320 = diazs gang
sfx01321 - sfx01417 = old spanish guy
sfx01418 - sfx01513 = cuban gang
sfx01514 - sfx01583 = vercettis gang
sfx01584 - sfx01653 = italian guy
sfx01654 - sfx01723 = mario
sfx01724 - sfx01773 = surfer bodybuilder
sfx01774 - sfx01821 = goomba
sfx01822 - sfx01873 = goomba 2
sfx01874 - sfx01900 = vice undercover
sfx01901 - sfx01953 = white guy 1
sfx01954 - sfx01997 = white guy 2
sfx01998 - sfx02003 = guys hitting on girls
sfx02004 - sfx02032 = white guy 3
sfx02113 - sfx02370 = Cuban gang
sfx02371 - sfx02616 = Biker gang
sfx02617 - sfx02913 = Haitian gang
sfx02914 - sfx02941 = female screams 1
sfx02942 - sfx02985 = female grunt
sfx02986 - sfx03012 = female screams 2
sfx03013 - sfx03047 = male screams 1
sfx03048 - sfx03126 = male grunts
sfx03127 - sfx03161 = male screams 2
sfx03162 - sfx03194 = cuban paramedic (sure sounds like it)
sfx03195 - sfx03227 = paramedic
sfx03228 - sfx03281 = FBI
sfx03282 - sfx03323 = SWAT
sfx03324 - sfx03477 = girl with love fist tattoo on buttcheek
sfx03478 - sfx03541 = taxi drivers
sfx08469 - sfx08693 = cops
sfx08694 - sfx09814 = tommy vercetti voices
sfx09815 - sfx09940 = tommy vercetti grunts
////////////////////////////////////////////// GTA3 archive ///
sfx00000 - sfx00007 = car horns
sfx00008 - sfx00013 = doors
sfx00017 = Start car engine
sfx00021 - sfx00022 = Police siren
sfx00023 = Ambulance siren
sfx00024 = Truck backing up
sfx00025 = Mr Whoopee
sfx00026 = Car alarm
sfx00027 = Open Coach door
sfx00028 = blank
sfx00029 = Cars wheels
sfx00030 - sfx00031 = Train
sfx00032 - sfx00056 = Footsteps
sfx00057 - sfx00060 = Jumping into puddles
sfx00061 - sfx00064 = Footstep on grass
sfx00065 = Bomb explosion
sfx00066 = Molotov
sfx00067 - sfx00068 = Pistol
sfx00069 - sfx00070 = M16
sfx00071 - sfx00072 = AK47
sfx00073 - sfx00074 = Uzi
sfx00077 - sfx00078 = Sniper
sfx00079 - sfx00083 = Rocket
sfx00084 - sfx00085 = Flamethrower
sfx00086 - sfx00087 = Shotgun
sfx00088 = Reload Pistol
sfx00089 = Reload Uzi
sfx00090 = Reload M16
sfx00091 = blank
sfx00092 = Reload Sniper
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