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此版本是给她爱-Team成员BlueMicro制作 文章源自Rockstar Games-

官网 mod.gta0.com文章源自Rockstar Games-

哔哩哔哩 LXC-BlueMicro .文章源自Rockstar Games-

作者自述:文章源自Rockstar Games-

感谢您的下载!文章源自Rockstar Games-

你下载的是基于Steam数字版《Grand Theft Auto III》为基础制作的"GTA III 加强版"文章源自Rockstar Games-

作者为哔哩哔哩用户 LXC-BlueMicro .文章源自Rockstar Games-

___________________________________________________________________________________文章源自Rockstar Games-

原作版本版权所有 Copyright (c)1999-2013 Rockstar Games.文章源自Rockstar Games-

Original version - Rockstar Games 622 Broadway, New York, NY 10012 (c)1999-2013 Rockstar Games, Inc. Rockstar Games,
the Rockstar Games , Grand Theft Auto, Grand Theft Auto III, Take-Two Interactive and their respective logos are trademarks
and/or registered trademarks of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. in the U.S.A. and/or foreign countries. The ratings icon(s)
and all other marks and trademarks are properties of their respective owners. All Rights Reserved.
___________________________________________________________________________________文章源自Rockstar Games-

警告:安装此软件则代表你违反了《Rockstar 最终用户许可协议》,根据GNU GPL许可证,如果你作为一个介绍此软件的向导,
你有权对此软件进行非商业发行,前提是提供此游戏的所有变更的来源。任何人都不允许将此软件 ( 的一部分 ) 倒卖及非法分发。
对于你对此软件非法销售对 Rockstar Games 与 Take-Two Interactive 所造成的任何财产损失与版权纠纷,整合作者没有任何
承担责任的义务。文章源自Rockstar Games-

ALERT: By installing this software you are breaking the Rockstar end user license agreement (EULA). In accordance with
the GNU GPL license(s), if you are a guide of this game, you certainly have a right to non-commercial distribution and
change and you have to provided any changes in the original source. But it was NOT ALLOW anyone to sell any parts of
this software or out-of-law distribute. As for your illegal sell caused the Rockstar Games & T2 Interactive's any loss, the
LXC-BlueMicro has not any duties to explain these bullshit.
___________________________________________________________________________________文章源自Rockstar Games-

· Windows 10 / 11系统可能需要安装在控制面板里安装旧版组件里的DirectPlay组件,确保你安装了所有的VC++运行库和DirectX运行库。
· 如果游戏不能运行,请尝试右键属性选择"Windows XP Service Pack 3"运行
· 游玩时建议在设置里把"模糊效果"与"垂直同步"的选项打开,并使用显示器所支持的最高分辨率(并采取32位色)进行游玩。文章源自Rockstar Games-

___________________________________________________________________________________文章源自Rockstar Games-

(划重点) 此版 GTA III 的特点:
·运行在 DirectX 9 下
___________________________________________________________________________________文章源自Rockstar Games-

此版《Grand Theft Auto III》建议使用1920x1080的分辨率游玩.文章源自Rockstar Games-

同时,为了更好的游戏体验,建议您配置一款较新的独立显卡文章源自Rockstar Games-

推荐的1080P 60帧游玩要求:
处理器 :多核处理器
Intel(R) Pentium(R) G4560 / AMD Athlon 200GE
显卡 :搭载 1GB以上显存 的低端独立显卡 或 英特尔 Xe架构 核心显卡;
NVIDIA GeForce GT 1030 / AMD Radeon RX 550 / Intel UHD Graphics 770
内存 :不低于4GB
硬盘 :3.80GB的剩余空间
___________________________________________________________________________________文章源自Rockstar Games-

GTA3中文网 文章源自Rockstar Games-

GTA3交流群110199413文章源自Rockstar Games-



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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: